cogwm - africa

Central Region

Description and History

The Church of God in Central Africa comprises of eight countries namely: Congo DR, Congo Brazzaville, Central Africa Republic, Angola, Mozambique, Botswana, Malawi and Zambia. The region is geographically vast and multi lingual in nature. Three countries are English speaking, three French speaking and two Portuguese speaking.

There are 1 671 churches, 153 427 members with over 1 500 pastors. The biggest being Zambia with 447 and 54 415 members.

The first church was established in Angola in 1938 and was the first church planted in Africa by Church of God. It has since grown to a membership of 22,836 with over 233 churches without adding churches under Full Gospel Church of God.


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Leopards Conference and retreat Center in Lusaka

This center has since its inception helped to gather the church of God leadership family in a number of conferences that has helped to enhance the unity of the church and spur Spiritual growth. As Church of God in Africa, we have a place we proudly call home whenever we need to have a retreat or conference.

Berea Theological University College in Lusaka

We are proud as a church to have a college of repute in Africa, complete with good class rooms, library and dormitory facilities that are modern in nature. Thanks to the donors that have contributed to the physical infrastructure of this college. It is a regional school that serves the 8 countries and beyond.

Firewall Project

This project, through the dynamic leadership of Ray Lombard, has led to the planting of several hundreds of new churches in the region. The most significant being in Mozambique where not only new churches were established, but several physical church buildings were built.

Statistics speak for themselves

1 671

pastors & churches

153 427


Charles Karangwa

Charles Karangwa

Charles Karangwa


Charles Karangwa was born on June 1, 1957 in Makindye, Uganda. After completing his school career in 1976 he was trained as a medicine dispenser and teacher. In 2000 he enrolled with the European Theological College in Germany where he pursued a B.A. degree in theological studies. In 2016 he graduated with a Master’s degree in Christian leadership at Asia School of Christian Ministry in Manila, Philippines through their extended program in Lusaka, Zambia.

Charles is married to Anne and they have four children. He became a born-again Christian in 1976 at the age of 19 while in high school, during the reign of Idi Amin. In 1980 he became vigorously involved in the underground church because freedom of worship was restricted. During these times he received a call to serve the Lord while involved in rigorous praying and fasting. He joined the Church of God in 1984 after the restoration of freedom of worship in Uganda.

Charles Karangwa served as a pastor in Uganda from 1990 to 2000. In 2003 after his theological studies in Germany, he returned to Uganda and began a Bible school, which has continued to run to date. In 2004 -2008, he was appointed by Church of God World Missions to serve as the National overseer of Rwanda. Later in 2006 he combined this post with that of CE Coordinator for Eastern Africa region where he became involved in the training of other ministers in Ministerial formation and CIMS programs.

In 2009 the Church of God World Missions appointed him to serve as Regional Superintendent for Central Africa.



Higino Rufino
National Overseer


Reuben Kegomoditswe
National overseer
Central Africa Republic

Central Africa Republic

Josue Paul Tanguimale
National Overseer
Congo Brazzaville

Congo Brazzaville

Brice Ngatsongo
National legal Representative
Congo DR

Congo DR

Dennis Mukalayi Kabimbi
National legal Representative


Christopher Sibale
National Overseer


Armindo Magule
National Overseer
South Africa


Joseph Ndashe
National Overseer

Challenges and Vision for tomorrow

The church of God in Central region deserves to be at high realm in terms of quality and growth. The leadership of the church feels this can be achieved.



Building a financially sound and spiritually mature Church.



Mobilize and motivate leadership into working towards achieving financially self-reliance by involving the youth into viable projects inculcating discipleship formation through Christian education and training programs.

  • Turn the Church into a self -reliant body.

  • Work towards elimination of spiritual immaturity.

  • Making the Church a role Model in helping the disadvantaged class of society.


  • Train educated youth to reach and win the middle-class society in cities and towns through the increased intake of students into our Bible schools, regional schools and training centers.

  • Invite experts in agricultural project management to train our church members into maximum utilization of the land for profits by growing easily marketable crops like fruits and vegetables animal rearing like piggery and poultry; taking advantage of the good roads to reach the markets.

  • Set up a program to train the urban youth in vocational training leading them to acquire skills in professional car was, car mechanics, brick laying, tailoring, and hair salon.

  • Organize seminars on regular basis to teach pastors on money management and value of saving and encourage them to assertively teach the same to their members as well as the blessings that go with tithing as enshrined in the Word of God (Mal.3:8-12).

  • All pastors to promote regular intercessory prayer/ fasting and intensify Bible Study in all Churches.

  • Set aside a special timetable for pastors/elders to visit the hungry, disadvantaged class of the society to offer spiritual and alms support.

  • Use the social media to reach the youth with the Gospel using the language of love.

central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region
central region

Find out how you can get involved?

  • Pray for the above region
  • Come and become part of what God is doing