cogwm - africa

Eastern Region

History of the church in the Region:

The first church of God in the region was started in Kenya in Karatina, Nyeri district on 13th May, 1977 under the leadership of Francis Gachara. The first missionary National Overseer was called Claudea. It is currently known as the New Testament Church of God under the leadership of David Gilbert Bwire who is the fifth National Overseer.

Currently, the church of God has now spread to nine countries within the Eastern Africa Region namely:

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Highlights and projects:

There are several projects that are benefiting many people across the Region namely the sewing projects in Eastern Congo, the NMC building in Ethiopia, St Patrick Secondary School in Rwanda, several orphanage homes and schools.

Discipleship College in Eldoret

However, the Discipleship College in Eldoret cannot go unnoticed as it has had the most significant impact across the Region and beyond. This is the Regional Bible College which is located in Kenya. Through its TOT and CIMS programs, there has been;

  • Improved leadership skills

  • Improved unity as leaders from various countries across the Region

  • The former students are now teachers of other leaders at the set up National Bible schools.


Statistics speak for themselves

1 813

pastors & churches

131 250


Charles Karangwa

Joseph Kagarama


Ministry background:
I accepted the Lord as my personal Lord and Saviour in 1973. I then started pastoring a church where I was in part time ministry in 1975 as I was also at the same time a primary school teacher. During this period which was Amin’s regime until 1979, there was persecution against the Christians in Uganda. I was then called into full time ministry in 1982.

I started serving the Lord in Church of God World Missions in 1983 where I served as the Kampala District Overseer, the National Church Secretary and pastor until I was appointed as Uganda National Overseer in 1988 to 2008.

From 2008 to date I have served as the Eastern Africa Regional Superintendent.

Congo DR


David Gilbert Bwire
National Overseer
Churches: 220
Membership 9 403:
Eastern Congo

Eastern Congo

Kambale Kibi Kivuy
National Overseer
Churches: 33
Membership: 3 235


Hiruy Tsige
National Overseer
Churches: 164
Membership: 65987
Southern Sudan

Southern Sudan

Bro John Noah Komi
National Overseer
Churches: 98
Membership: 5 834


Sebastian Mcheri
National Overseer
Churches: 612
Membership: 21 888


Fred Sembajwe
National Overseer
Churches: 625
Membership: 22 179


Damas Neggo
National Overseer
Churches: 7
Membership: 378


Churches: 20
Membership: 1 375


Churches: 7

Challenges the church is facing:

  1. Political instability in most countries across the Region especially in Eastern Congo, Burundi and Southern Sudan. This has led to an influx of refugees to seemingly stable countries like Uganda and Kenya. However, the people in these refugee camps are suffering due to little or no resources especially the basic needs like food, shelter, medical among others.

  2. The new Government laws which have led to the closure of churches in Rwanda and Burundi. This will require huge resources in terms of funds and human resource so as to meet the required standards.

  3. Persecution of Christians - this has caused our church in such countries not to grow as desired.

Plans for the future

  • Reaching the unreached countries and groups like Djibouti, Somalia, Eritrea, and Khartoum.

  • Building permanent churches in the major cities of the various countries.

  • Raising leaders who will be able to transform the Region.

  • Empowering our members to own their church and work towards its growth and expansion both numerically and spiritually.

eastern region
eastern region
eastern region
southern region
southern region
eastern region
eastern region
eastern region
eastern region
eastern region
eastern region
eastern region
eastern region
eastern region
eastern region
eastern region
eastern region
eastern region
eastern region
eastern region
eastern region
eastern region
eastern region

Find out how you can get involved?

  • Pray for the above region
  • Come and become part of what God is doing