Joseph Ndashe
Legal Advisor & National Overseer of Zambia
Joseph gave his life to Christ in 1979 in Copperbelt Province, Luanshya District, Mikomfwa Township, Zambia. He married Dorothy YAMBA on 2 May 1987. Before he entered fulltime ministry he served the Lord in different capacities. He served as Pastor, District Overseer, Provincial Secretary Treasurer and National Council Member. He was appointed as National Overseer of the Church in Zambia from 2002 until 2006 having given up his secular employment.
Joseph holds a Diploma in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations/Labour Law since 1987. Prior to his fulltime ministry he worked for 14,5 years with LonRho (London Northern Rhodesia) as Human Resource Manager, in charge of Industrial Labour Laws, Industrial disputes and other administrative issues of Industrial Relations.
From 2006 – 2009 he went to the European Theological Seminary where he obtained his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theology.
In 2010 he was appointed as National Overseer of Rwanda where he served until 2018. Under his leadership the Church of God in Rwanda was firmly established and became part of God’s move in this country.
Joseph further served as Secretary for CoG Eastern Africa Regional Council, and as Principal of St. Patrick School in Kigali. He also served as Board member at several School Boards including Berea Theological University College and the WWHA Board.
In 2017 he obtained a Masters of Arts Degree in Christian Ministry through the Asian Seminary of Christian Ministries in Manila, Philippines.
Since September 2018 he serves once again as National Overseer of Zambia, and has been a Member of the Africa Council since 2017, serving in the capacity of Legal Advisor.